id: 9531
companyName: OBEIKAN GLASS
companyNameAr: العبيكان للزجاج
companyLongName: Obeikan Glass Co.
companyLongNameAr: شركة العبيكان للزجاج
lastTradePrice: 50
lastTradeQuantity: 56
lastUpdateTime: 2024-10-13 15:09:59
open: 50.3
highPrice: 50.4
lowPrice: 49.2
prevClosePrice: 50.1
askPrice: 50
askQuantity: 525
bidPrice: 50
bidQuantity: 879
noOfTrades: 101
turnOver: 889269.95
volumeTraded: 17927.0
avgTradeSize: 177
changeAmount: -0.1
changePercentage: -0.2
change52week: -12.28
high52weekDate: 2024-08-04
high52WeeksPrice: 67.2
low52weekDate: 2024-10-01
low52WeeksPrice: 44.5
startOfYearPrice: 53.8
yearAgoPrice: 57
threeyearAgoPrice: Array
bookValue: 17.64
closePrice: 50.00
earning: 30.89
EPS: 0.97
marketCap: 1,600.00
numberOfShares: 32.000
numberOfSharesFloated: 16.273
PBValue: 2.83
PERatio: 51.79
company_Announcents: Array
id: 9531
companyName: OBEIKAN GLASS
companyNameAr: العبيكان للزجاج
companyLongName: Obeikan Glass Co.
companyLongNameAr: شركة العبيكان للزجاج
lastTradePrice: 50
lastTradeQuantity: 56
lastUpdateTime: 2024-10-13 15:09:59
open: 50.3
highPrice: 50.4
lowPrice: 49.2
prevClosePrice: 50.1
askPrice: 50
askQuantity: 525
bidPrice: 50
bidQuantity: 879
noOfTrades: 101
turnOver: 889269.95
volumeTraded: 17927.0
avgTradeSize: 177
changeAmount: -0.1
changePercentage: -0.2
change52week: -12.28
high52weekDate: 2024-08-04
high52WeeksPrice: 67.2
low52weekDate: 2024-10-01
low52WeeksPrice: 44.5
startOfYearPrice: 53.8
yearAgoPrice: 57
threeyearAgoPrice: Array
bookValue: 17.64
closePrice: 50.00
earning: 30.89
EPS: 0.97
marketCap: 1,600.00
numberOfShares: 32.000
numberOfSharesFloated: 16.273
PBValue: 2.83
PERatio: 51.79
company_Announcents: Array

Obeikan Glass Company announces the distribution of the proceeds of the sale of the fractions of shares ,to eligible shareholders, resulting from the company’s capital increase through the company’s issuance of one bonus share for every three shares owned by the shareholders according to the approval of the Extraordinary General Assembly (First Meeting) held on Thursday 09/05/1445H corresponding to 23/11/2023G.

Number of Sold Shares: 84

Fractional Shares Sales Revenue: 4,813.23

Average Selling Price per share: 57.4