id: 9531
companyName: OBEIKAN GLASS
companyNameAr: العبيكان للزجاج
companyLongName: Obeikan Glass Co.
companyLongNameAr: شركة العبيكان للزجاج
lastTradePrice: 50.8
lastTradeQuantity: 65
lastUpdateTime: 2024-10-22 12:31:50
open: 51.7
highPrice: 51.7
lowPrice: 50.7
prevClosePrice: 51.3
askPrice: 51
askQuantity: 2348
bidPrice: 50.8
bidQuantity: 84
noOfTrades: 18
turnOver: 49490.9
volumeTraded: 970.0
avgTradeSize: 53
changeAmount: -0.5
changePercentage: -0.97
change52week: -10.88
high52weekDate: 2024-08-04
high52WeeksPrice: 67.2
low52weekDate: 2024-10-01
low52WeeksPrice: 44.5
startOfYearPrice: 53.8
yearAgoPrice: 57
threeyearAgoPrice: Array
bookValue: 17.64
closePrice: 50.80
earning: 30.89
EPS: 0.97
marketCap: 1,625.60
numberOfShares: 32.000
numberOfSharesFloated: 16.273
PBValue: 2.87
PERatio: 52.62
company_Announcents: Array
id: 9531
companyName: OBEIKAN GLASS
companyNameAr: العبيكان للزجاج
companyLongName: Obeikan Glass Co.
companyLongNameAr: شركة العبيكان للزجاج
lastTradePrice: 50.8
lastTradeQuantity: 65
lastUpdateTime: 2024-10-22 12:31:50
open: 51.7
highPrice: 51.7
lowPrice: 50.7
prevClosePrice: 51.3
askPrice: 51
askQuantity: 2348
bidPrice: 50.8
bidQuantity: 84
noOfTrades: 18
turnOver: 49490.9
volumeTraded: 970.0
avgTradeSize: 53
changeAmount: -0.5
changePercentage: -0.97
change52week: -10.88
high52weekDate: 2024-08-04
high52WeeksPrice: 67.2
low52weekDate: 2024-10-01
low52WeeksPrice: 44.5
startOfYearPrice: 53.8
yearAgoPrice: 57
threeyearAgoPrice: Array
bookValue: 17.64
closePrice: 50.80
earning: 30.89
EPS: 0.97
marketCap: 1,625.60
numberOfShares: 32.000
numberOfSharesFloated: 16.273
PBValue: 2.87
PERatio: 52.62
company_Announcents: Array
Announcement from Obeikan Glass Company inviting its shareholders to attend the Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting for the purpose of increasing the company’s capital (the first meeting) through modern communication methods

Announcement from Obeikan Glass Company inviting its shareholders to attend the Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting for the purpose of increasing the company’s capital (the first meeting) through modern communication methods

The Board of Directors of Obeikan Glass Company is pleased to invite the shareholders to participate and vote in the Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting No. 03 (the first meeting) which is scheduled to be held, God willing, at 6:30 PM on Thursday 09-05-1445 AH...