id: 9531
companyName: OBEIKAN GLASS
companyNameAr: العبيكان للزجاج
companyLongName: Obeikan Glass Co.
companyLongNameAr: شركة العبيكان للزجاج
lastTradePrice: 50
lastTradeQuantity: 56
lastUpdateTime: 2024-10-13 15:09:59
open: 50.3
highPrice: 50.4
lowPrice: 49.2
prevClosePrice: 50.1
askPrice: 50
askQuantity: 525
bidPrice: 50
bidQuantity: 879
noOfTrades: 101
turnOver: 889269.95
volumeTraded: 17927.0
avgTradeSize: 177
changeAmount: -0.1
changePercentage: -0.2
change52week: -12.28
high52weekDate: 2024-08-04
high52WeeksPrice: 67.2
low52weekDate: 2024-10-01
low52WeeksPrice: 44.5
startOfYearPrice: 53.8
yearAgoPrice: 57
threeyearAgoPrice: Array
bookValue: 17.64
closePrice: 50.00
earning: 30.89
EPS: 0.97
marketCap: 1,600.00
numberOfShares: 32.000
numberOfSharesFloated: 16.273
PBValue: 2.83
PERatio: 51.79
company_Announcents: Array
id: 9531
companyName: OBEIKAN GLASS
companyNameAr: العبيكان للزجاج
companyLongName: Obeikan Glass Co.
companyLongNameAr: شركة العبيكان للزجاج
lastTradePrice: 50
lastTradeQuantity: 56
lastUpdateTime: 2024-10-13 15:09:59
open: 50.3
highPrice: 50.4
lowPrice: 49.2
prevClosePrice: 50.1
askPrice: 50
askQuantity: 525
bidPrice: 50
bidQuantity: 879
noOfTrades: 101
turnOver: 889269.95
volumeTraded: 17927.0
avgTradeSize: 177
changeAmount: -0.1
changePercentage: -0.2
change52week: -12.28
high52weekDate: 2024-08-04
high52WeeksPrice: 67.2
low52weekDate: 2024-10-01
low52WeeksPrice: 44.5
startOfYearPrice: 53.8
yearAgoPrice: 57
threeyearAgoPrice: Array
bookValue: 17.64
closePrice: 50.00
earning: 30.89
EPS: 0.97
marketCap: 1,600.00
numberOfShares: 32.000
numberOfSharesFloated: 16.273
PBValue: 2.83
PERatio: 51.79
company_Announcents: Array

We are proud to announce that Obeikan Glass Company participated in the Saudi Green Building Exhibition at Hilton Riyadh on October 7-8! This prestigious event provided us with the perfect platform to showcase our cutting-edge glass solutions that align with Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030, promoting sustainability, energy efficiency, and environmentally friendly construction methods. Throughout the exhibition, we had the pleasure of meeting with industry leaders, experts, and innovators, all of whom share our passion for creating a greener, more sustainable future.