id: 9531
companyName: OBEIKAN GLASS
companyNameAr: العبيكان للزجاج
companyLongName: Obeikan Glass Co.
companyLongNameAr: شركة العبيكان للزجاج
lastTradePrice: 50.8
lastTradeQuantity: 65
lastUpdateTime: 2024-10-22 12:31:50
open: 51.7
highPrice: 51.7
lowPrice: 50.7
prevClosePrice: 51.3
askPrice: 51
askQuantity: 2348
bidPrice: 50.8
bidQuantity: 84
noOfTrades: 18
turnOver: 49490.9
volumeTraded: 970.0
avgTradeSize: 53
changeAmount: -0.5
changePercentage: -0.97
change52week: -10.88
high52weekDate: 2024-08-04
high52WeeksPrice: 67.2
low52weekDate: 2024-10-01
low52WeeksPrice: 44.5
startOfYearPrice: 53.8
yearAgoPrice: 57
threeyearAgoPrice: Array
bookValue: 17.64
closePrice: 50.80
earning: 30.89
EPS: 0.97
marketCap: 1,625.60
numberOfShares: 32.000
numberOfSharesFloated: 16.273
PBValue: 2.87
PERatio: 52.62
company_Announcents: Array
id: 9531
companyName: OBEIKAN GLASS
companyNameAr: العبيكان للزجاج
companyLongName: Obeikan Glass Co.
companyLongNameAr: شركة العبيكان للزجاج
lastTradePrice: 50.8
lastTradeQuantity: 65
lastUpdateTime: 2024-10-22 12:31:50
open: 51.7
highPrice: 51.7
lowPrice: 50.7
prevClosePrice: 51.3
askPrice: 51
askQuantity: 2348
bidPrice: 50.8
bidQuantity: 84
noOfTrades: 18
turnOver: 49490.9
volumeTraded: 970.0
avgTradeSize: 53
changeAmount: -0.5
changePercentage: -0.97
change52week: -10.88
high52weekDate: 2024-08-04
high52WeeksPrice: 67.2
low52weekDate: 2024-10-01
low52WeeksPrice: 44.5
startOfYearPrice: 53.8
yearAgoPrice: 57
threeyearAgoPrice: Array
bookValue: 17.64
closePrice: 50.80
earning: 30.89
EPS: 0.97
marketCap: 1,625.60
numberOfShares: 32.000
numberOfSharesFloated: 16.273
PBValue: 2.87
PERatio: 52.62
company_Announcents: Array
Job Type: Full Time
Job Location: Riyadah

Main Responsibilities:

  1. Continuous monitoring and analysis of international glass industry and markets, defining supply and demand of different regions to identify potential markets and periodical reporting of the same.
  2. Pitching products and/or services based on a short and/ or long term plan
  3. Continuous monitoring of developments in the glass industry to identify profitable investment opportunities.
  4. Prepare company short and long term strategy for possible investments (product and production based)
  5. Conducting marketing feasibility studies for new potential investment and coordinating with concerned departments for proper completion of the studies including technical and financial parts.
  6. Prepares in coordination with the department director the launching strategy of new products.
  7. Prepares in coordination with the marketing specialist the required sales tools and website development to support new products launching.
  8. Provides coaching and support for sales managers on launching and selling new products and monitors achievements versus targets and proposing corrective actions whenever required.
  9. Develop a growth strategy focused both on financial gain and customer satisfaction
  10. Promote the company’s products addressing changing clients’ objectives
  11. Involvement and contribution to the performance improvement programs executed by the company.
  12. Submits reports evaluating product – market – finance and technical studies, identifying deviations and setting initiatives for recovering deficiencies when applicable.
  13. Updates job knowledge by participating in educational opportunities; reading professional publications; maintaining personal
  14. Providing initiatives for the improvement of the company profile, image, product range, packaging, services, etc… that leads to improving competitive edge and enhanced customer loyalty
  15. Maintains the highest levels of ethics, integrity and professionalism in his business communications and relationships with all company stakeholders.
  16. Maintains the highest levels of customer’s satisfaction and proposing possible actions of improvement.
  17. Proposes and participates in all marketing activities of the company including the development of company literature, website, exhibitions, etc… whenever required
  18. Perform other tasks directed by immediate superior or management


Bachelor’s degree or higher related to the field

Experience :

5 – 7 years

How to Apply:

Thank you for your interest in joining our team! Please visit our website at to review the job details and submit your application.


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